Red orchestra vietnam combat
Red orchestra vietnam combat


Apologies for the lack of commentary in this post, but I really haven't seen anything of the game outside of this lot myself. The additional mystic ritual of clicking on these blighters will enlarge and uncrop them - worth it, certainly, as they're a pretty-lookin' bunch, regardless of their browniness and, I suspect, posiness.Īnd here's some word-based info-splat too. The ancient legends do tell of another way to access them, but you could never hope to work it out.īugger. To see them, you must dance widdershins around Ludlow Cathedral at 4am on the first night of the summer solstice. While the game itself wasn't playable at the event, and the only video footage was a slideshow of screenshots, I do have in my possession a clutch of new screens and facts.


The series began life as a multiplayer title, but this one, sometimes referred to as RO2, will feature a solo mode. Anyway.) at the 1C event during which I cooed at Men of War: Vietnam the other week, I was also privy to a few more details on 2011's long-awaited sequel to mod-gone-pricetaggy FPS Red Orchestra. Anyway (I lose track of how many posts I've written whose second sentences begin with 'anyway'. YOU DENY US OUR PUNS, YOU BABBLING SWINE. I have always loved games by Tripwire in the past, but this one definitely feels sub par.Damnable over-long game names.

red orchestra vietnam combat

The gun selection is small, but it serves its purpose. Territory is where the game shines, but unfortunately there are only 3 maps that support 64 players.

red orchestra vietnam combat

Not sure why they made a new mode that is basically Conquest from Battlefield, but a lot worse.

red orchestra vietnam combat

This is a game where you don't want to be on the losing side though. Territory mode is still fun if you have a good team. Sometimes your bullets hit an object or the ground in front of you, while the object is not visible in your iron sights.


Hit registration has some issues, some objects look like they should be easy to penetrate, but somehow stop 10 AK rounds. You do get stuck behind small objects way too often. Movement is a bit clunky, as in the previous games. There's always a kind of "laggy" feeling. You Graphics: looks good, but poorly optimized.

red orchestra vietnam combat

Graphics: looks good, but poorly optimized. In my opinion it´s not the best game and it needs some improvements such as the models recognising for "newbies" and maybe some official servers for skill-based lobbies. The more I played the game the more I would enjoy it. After some hours played I got better and didn´t TeamKill often and I even made 8 kills alone to capture B (Then my mates came and we captured it). I downloaded it and start playing it immediately, the first hour wasn´t that good at all because my internet was bad and I killed my mates so many times because I couldn´t recognise the models. In the first day of September I was scrolling trough the Steam Store and found out that RS2 : Vietnam was on "Free Weekend" and I was very hyped. I ended up buying PUBG, I don´t regret it at all because PUBG is one of the best games I played so far.


I bought a new PC in August 2017 and I really wanted to play some new games, but I didn´t know if I would buy PUBG or Rising Storm 2 : I bought a new PC in August 2017 and I really wanted to play some new games, but I didn´t know if I would buy PUBG or Rising Storm 2 : Vietnam.

Red orchestra vietnam combat